A reader asks: I spilled yogurt on my keyboard. Now some keys are stuck. How do I fix it?

Q: I spilled yogurt on my keyboard. Now some keys are stuck. How do I fix it? (via Quora)

A: Wash it!

Yes, you can wash almost any electronic device, provided the device is unpowered and you only use distilled water, which is almost totally nonconductive.

There’s no guarantee it’ll work, of course, but this often is all it takes to restore a sticky keyboard:

If yours is a detachable keyboard: Unplug/depower/remove any batteries, and gently immerse the keyboard in warm distilled water (do not use tap or spring water; do not use soap or any cleaning chemicals; don’t re-use distilled water that’s been used to clean something else!). Let it soak for a bit, then remove from the water and gently shake the keyboard right-side-up and upside-down until no more water shakes out. Try the key (without plugging the keyboard in). If the key is still stuck, repeat the above. When the key moves freely and all water/gunk/food is shaken out, let the keyboard air dry in a warm/dry place for at least full day or so, until you’re certain it’s 100% dry inside. Then plug it in and you should be good to go.

If it’s a built-in keyboard, such as on a laptop, you still might be able to detach the keyboard with careful disassembly, and wash it as above. But if not, your best bet is probably to buy an external, USB keyboard, and type on that instead of the laptop’s sticky keyboard.

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