A reader asks: How do I fix an ‘operating system not found’ message?

Q: How do I fix the “an operating system wasn’t found” screen, with all the words are mixed up and the screen is white and twitching?  (via Quora)

A: An “Operating System Not Found” or “Missing Operating System” or similar message will occur when you boot/start/restart a PC, but something prevents the hardware from seeing or accessing the software files needed to start up.

This can be caused by an error in the system’s low-level hardware configuration (BIOS/UEFI); a faulty hard drive, cable, or other hardware; or damaged operating system files on the hard drive. From your description (with the video weirdness), I’m guessing your OS files have somehow gotten scrambled.

The simplest fix is usually to boot the system from a repair/reinstall CD or flash drive; one that contains all the necessary startup files.

For example, the Microsoft page Recovery options in Windows 10 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12415/windows-10-recovery-options) lists various ways you can re-enable Win10 on a PC that won’t boot properly. It even includes links to download the free files you may need, and instructions on creating a free repair disk or drive.

Once your system is running from the repair disk or drive, you can take steps (e.g. running the OS’s built-in repair tools, or simply reinstalling the OS) to correct the problem.

Similar repair guides are available for virtually all major OSes and variants. I can’t be very specific because you didn’t say what OS you’re using; but a couple minutes Googling will get you what you need.

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