In 1658, Irish Archbishop James Ussher said Earth was created 9am on 23 Oct, 4004 BC*, making our home planet a sprightly 6,022 years young today.
Of course, stick-in-the-mud geologists believe that’s off by roughly 4.5 billion years, but what do they know?
Come on, let’s party like it’s 6,022!
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In Windows 7 sometimes there pops up a window “Application Starter” with the message “The parameter is incorrect”
How can I find what’s going on?
I’d have thought that, 4½ billion years ago, they were still on the Gregorian calendar, so there’s already a bit of uncertainly there. Or did Archbishop Ussher take that into account?
Typo: I meant Julian. Oh, I do feel silly now…
No worries. It was a silly post to start with. 🙂
Happy Birthday MOM!