Happy Birthday, Windows!

Windows 1.0 was released 33 years ago, in November 1985.

It wasn’t much: Just a standard DOS setup (on a single 5.25″ floppy disk) wrapped in a simple point-and-click interface and displayed in CGA 640×200px resolution or Hercules monochrome green or amber.

This combination of OS and “shell” was primitive, but it could run and display several programs at the same time  — something novel then, when most PCs ran single-tasking DOS apps or simple, one-app-at-a-time task switchers.

Windows 1, in all its CGA glory.

We were all a lot younger then. 🙂

Bill Gates and Win1.0 in 1985 (via Michael Beschloss Twitter )

You’ve come a long way, Windows…

Win10 simultaneously running Win8, Win7, WinXP and Win98.

More info:



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