A reader asks: About those dual RSS feeds…

Reader Henry Winokur asks:

“Hi Fred: Is there any reason to subscribe to both Langa.com’s and Langa Comments’ RSS feeds? If I only need one which would you recommend? PS: I’m getting an error message above this box that says “please enter a URL in the Your Website (optional box). I did, (www.henrywinokur.com) and yet I still see the message. I’m going to delete the info, so the message will go through. Thanks!”

Sorry for the trouble, Henry!

You asked two separate questions.

First, about the two RSS feeds:

My WordPress setup keeps two separate databases: one for the main posts — the articles and info that I publish — and a second one for reader comments, and my replies to those comments.

Sometimes, reader comments contain excellent additional information or (ulp!) corrections to the information I presented. Other times, a reader comment may spark an additional exchange of information from me, and them, and back again.

The Comments feed also contains some system-generated informational messages —  they appear as from “Langa.Com,” instead of from, say, me (“FredLanga,” “Flanga;” etc.)

I use the free RSS Feed Reader for Chrome. That app clearly shows who wrote a comment, so it’s easy to ignore the system messages (those from “Langa.Com”) and focus just on ones from humans.

My suggestion: Subscribe to both feeds for maybe a week or two to see what works for you; and then delete the feed you don’t want.

If your RSS reader has trouble finding the feeds, point it here:

RSS for main articles:

RSS for reader comments and my replies:

Second, about the “Your Website” entry on the Contact form:

That field was suggested by the forms software. Because it’s causing trouble, I simply eliminated that field. Done!  🙂

Thanks for writing!

Permalink: https://wp.me/paaiox-hm

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2 Replies to “A reader asks: About those dual RSS feeds…”

    1. Unfortunately, Chrome for Android is implemented differently from desktop Chrome, so: No.

      But there’s a ton of RSS readers specifically for Android. Just search “rss reader” in the app store.

      You might also like the free blogtrottr service, which sends an email to you when it detects new posts on any site you specify that has an RSS feed. I also use that, along with my formal RSS readers, to make sure I see everything.

      Thanks for writing. Excellent question!

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