A reader asks: How can I check which .Net version is installed?

Q*: How can I check which .Net version is installed on a Windows 7 PC without administrative rights?

A: There are many ways to check, regardless of Windows version or Admin status. Most only take a few seconds.

For example, try this:

Open Windows’ built-in Registry editor (RegEdit), and click to:

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full

With all versions of .Net from  4.5 onward, you’ll see the version number listed in the right-hand pane. Easy as pie! (See Figure one. )

Figure One: For .Net versions 4.5 and higher,
you can read the version number right in the Registry. Simple!

If there’s no \v4\Full key at \NET Framework Setup\NDP, then your .Net version is lower than 4.5, and you’ll need to use a different method. But, as I said, there are many.

For example, Microsoft provides authoritative instructions on their page, How to: Determine which .NET Framework versions are installed https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/how-to-determine-which-versions-are-installed#net_d

Or, see any of these:

Odds are, either direct Registry inspection or one of the other methods will let you find what you’re looking for very quickly!

Permalink: https://langa.com/?p=1338

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