A reader* asks: “Do people drive a lot worse in the rain in Boston, MA?”

Yes, of course. Accident rates in Boston go up in the rain — just as they do in every other location on the planet.

I’m not sure what else you’d expect when roads get slippery and visibility goes down!

I’m guessing that what you’re really getting at is the poor reputation of Boston drivers; and its narrow, winding streets, laid out in colonial times when foot, horseback, and animal carts were the principal means of local transport.

But oddly, that “Bad Boston Driver” reputation is fading.

Massachusetts doesn’t even appear on this list of the “10 states with the worst drivers.” Likewise, a different “worst 10” compilation doesn’t even mention Massachusetts.  Another site says Seattle, WA; Philadelphia, PA Oakland, CA; San Francisco, CA; and Detroit, MI are all worse than Boston to drive in. Etc.

There are bad drivers in Boston, no doubt. But there are bad drivers everywhere, and Boston’s specific variant might not be as bad as you think — regardless of the weather!

Permalink: https://langa.com/?p=1405

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