(Answer requested by Aditya Verma)
If you really mean “authenticity,” that’s a programmatic question, and I can’t help you: You’ll need to hire someone (or learn yourself) to compare whatever password you’re trying to authenticate to whatever database or algorithm or other authentication-source you specify.
But if you mean you want to check how good, or secure, or “unguessable” a password is, there are many places that can help.
Search ‘password checkers’ on Google, for example and you’ll see a long list of sites than can examine any example password you type in to tell you how hard it’d be to crack or guess — i.e. whether it’s safe to use, or not.
(BTW: Don’t enter any real, in-use passwords on those sites — use only example passwords that are similar to the real password you want to check, without being identical.)
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