Hope you don’t mind my sharing, but I’m now officially a 10 gallon (38 liter) blood donor. That’s 80 separate donations! 🙂

Are you a blood donor? It’s easy: Each donation usually takes only 15 minutes or so actually donating; only involves a very brief discomfort (come on — don’t be a wimp!); and can literally save lives.
Info/Set up a donation: https://www.redcrossblood.org/
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Congratulations on the 10 gallon milestone. For folks who are AB- like myself, they should look into donating plasma instead of whole blood.
Good idea! AB- blood is the rarest type and hardest to match. Donating plasma or platelets is a better option for them/you.
In fact, people with AB- blood can only safely receive blood from other AB- people… and from O- people, like me. 🙂
(O-is the “universal donor” blood type; but O- people can only receive blood from other O- people.)