(Answer requested by Chris Blood-Smyth)
You mean all at once, on the web?
You can delete your local copies of passwords, if you’ve stored them on your system (e.g. you can uninstall or delete or zero out your password manager). But you cannot automatically delete your passwords from all the sites you’ve logged into.
You have to visit each site, one by one, and change each password or close each account. Sorry!
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It depends on what you mean. If you mean deleting the logins from your browser then maybe yes. If you synchronize your settings across your browsers and the passwords are part of that data it should be possible. If you mean deleting your accounts I believe I have seen services that can do that for select sites. You are kind of vague with your question and the answer really depends on what you want to accomplish.
Also if all you want to do is log out of the sites you re currently logged into you could delete your cookies…