(Answer requested by Trevor Noble)
Why does it take so long to paint a house compared to a garden shed? 🙂
Laptops are typically much more capacious than phones, and carry far more software and files.
EG: My phone (an S10) has 128GB of internal drive storage, with 75GB currently in use (filled with files and data). My PC has 1,000 GB (a terabyte) of internal drive storage with almost 500GB in use — that’s eight times more storage, containing six times more software, files, and data on board, compared to the phone.
Plus, PC software is often more complex than what’s available on phones.
And not least, people also tend to keep PCs longer than phones, which further complicates and slows a PC’s updates/upgrades.
Laptops take longer to upgrade because there’s usually a lot more upgrading to do, simple as that. 🙂
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