With effectively infinite storage available online (such as the Google data center, pictured above), is there any point to storing files and backups locally, on external hard drives? A subscriber’s question prompts today’s first item.
The second item looks at a PC electrical glitch. A subscriber has a battery-backed uninterruptible power supply and an emergency generator. Trouble is, they won’t work with each other! Here’s what’s probably going on, and how to correct it.
Last, you’ll see ways to connect to an unknown, potentially compromised, public USB charging port — without risking your device’s data!
Read the full story in the AskWoody Plus Newsletter 19.10.0 (2022-03-07).
Also in this issue:
- PUBLIC DEFENDER: Look who’s stalking 2: Apple responds to AirTag security threats
- LINUX: Linux malware is on the rise. What should you do?
- PATCH WATCH: Understanding the “zero days“
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