Sure! Although only one operating system can “own” the drive, it can share that same drive with one or more other OSes. Let’s say a Windows PC shares one of its drives to the local network; its permission can be adjusted as you like, but in general, any device on that network — Mac, Linux,…
Category: A reader asks…
“How do I run a batch file in Windows 10?”
Um, you click on it? I think you’re actually asking how to create and then run a batch file. That’s easy. It’s also pretty old-school, as Microsoft is pushing everyone towards the much-more-powerful, but much-more-complicated, PowerShell environment instead. But batch files still work fine In Windows 10; they’re still useful for quick task automation; and…
“I’ve installed a 1TB hard drive from my old PC. It has files but no operating system. How can I wipe it to use its full storage?”
You don’t need to wipe it. Simple re-partitioning and reformatting will make the drive fully available to you. And that’s a very good thing, because wiping a drive involves overwriting every spot on the disk — in your case, a trillion bytes’ worth. On an average system and HDD, that’d probably take something like two…
“Where can I get a multiport SD card reader that holds 10 cards at the same time for external storage on a PC or Mac?”
(Answer requested by Dennis Hayes) I think I can suggest a better approach; but first, to answer your question: You need a hub, not a reader. When you plug in a standard card reader — even one with multiple slots for different types of cards — the reader is assigned one address from the PC;…
“Can I increase my RAM using a pen drive? Also, can I change the pen drive back after I am done?”
Not exactly. But if you’re using Windows, you can use a capable flash device to speed your system a different way: It’s called ReadyBoost, and it’s been built into the OS since the days of Vista. ReadyBoost lets your PC use a flash device as a predictive (“prefetch”) cache, preloading the data that the OS…
“How can you run Android phone apps on a Windows 10 computer?”
(Answer requested by Mark Austin) There actually are multiple ways to run Android on Windows, including the official emulator that’s part of Google’s free Android Studio. It’s excellent — Google is the de facto authority on all things Android — but it’s aimed at developers, and so might not be quite what you’re looking for….
“Is there any way to charge a phone faster?”
Sure, turn it off! Seriously, your phone will charge fastest when it’s fully powered off and connected to an active charger. If a full power-off charge isn’t possible, power down as much you can. Some things you can do: Turn the screen brightness down to the lowest level you can use; use Dark Theme/Night Mode…
“How do I write a harmless computer virus…”
The full question, submitted anonymously, was: “How do I write a harmless computer virus that, when run, restarts the computer and keeps opening a terminal instead of windows until the user say yes or some specific command then everything goes normal again?” That’s not a virus — it’s just a script or small program —…
“What is the Windows 10 paging file and why is it a good idea to regularly delete it?”
For most people, it’s NOT a good idea to delete the pagefile. A pagefile (or swapfile) is a temporary scratchpad area on the hard drive that an operating system (e.g. Windows) uses to store code and data when the operating system is juggling more stuff than will fit into RAM. A pagefile lets Windows act as…
“Did you like Windows 95 better or Windows 10?”
What a strange question! If you mean today, then Win10, hands down. Win95 was built for a different era, with different — simpler and much, much slower — standards. For example, PCs in 1995 typically came with 4-8 MB (not GB!) of RAM, a single-core 66MHz (not GHz) CPU, dial-up Internet connections, CD-ROM programming, and…