Like finding a firefly in a forest fire: The ‘New Horizon’ Flyby

In just a few hours, on New Year’s Day, the New Horizons spacecraft will buzz past “Ultima Thule,” a Kuiper Belt Object; a relic of the early solar system, and the most distant object ever visited by human craft. This post isn’t actually about the flyby — there’s tons of information already available about that….

A reader asks: “Is it illegal to ride an electric bike on a bike trail?”

Local ordinances vary, but you usually can use common sense. If the e-bike is designed to behave like a regular, muscle-powered bike, there’s usually no problem. For example, if it’s an electric assist bike — ie one where you still pedal some or most of the time — and if the bike is ridden at…

Meet Frederic Tudor, the “Ice King”

I first wrote about this a couple years back, prompted by an article in the Boston Globe about a New England guy who really did change the world in a weird way. His name was Frederic Tudor, and he was the “Ice King.” In 1806, he figured out how to ship ice over long distances: He…

A reader asks: “Why is RAM called random access memory?”

Recall that early computers used tape as memory — paper tape at first and later, magnetic tape. Tape-based memory is serial: If you want a byte of memory in the middle of the tape, you have to start at one end of the tape and spool through to the location you want. That’s clumsy and…

A reader asks: “How do you put your face on another picture using MS Paint?”

With great difficulty. MS-Paint is a very simple tool. You can cut and paste, but you cannot blend edges or do any other adjustments to make the final image look like anything other than what it is — a crude cut and paste. Windows 10 has Paint 3D, which offers a “smart select” tool to…

A reader asks: “How can I recover Android data after a factory reset if it wasn’t backed up?”

That’s a terrible feeling, isn’t it, when your data’s gone — maybe forever! Ugh. But it may not be gone, or at least, not all of it. Google, or your phone maker, may have provided at least some automatic backup services for you. Some third-party apps may have likewise saved some or all of your…

Delight a child this Christmas

Here’s a great idea from Reddit; posted by u/Scaramuccia: Looking for some Christmas Magic? The International Space Station orbits the earth 15 times a day and can easily be confused with Santa’s Sleigh by excited children in December. This does require preparation. That tiny station is rarely streaking directly overhead at an ideal time, so…