A reader asks: How do I data-wipe my lost smartphone?
Reader Al has lost his phone and is nervous about the data it still contains. He used the CONTACT link to ask for help: “My S9+ is powered off as well as being lost. Can a factory reset be made to happen the next time the device powers up?” The S9’s built-in software will indeed…
A reader asks: Why does Boston have so many universities compared to other cities?
A reader asks: “Why does Boston have so many universities compared to other cities?” Boston benefits from almost 400 years of continual investment in education. For example, Harvard University was founded in 1636, just six years after Boston itself. That wasn’t an accident: From its founding, up to the American Revolution (when the British occupied…
A reader asks: What’s your experience of Uber in Boston, Mass?
Reader Ross asks: “What’s your experience of Uber in Boston, Mass?” The Uber service and drivers here are OK; but (IMHO) Uber as a corporation sucks: known for bad business practices, criminal investigations, institutionalized misogyny, etc. Why give money to a company like that? I use Lyft instead. It has some corporate issues of its…
A reader asks: How can I reset my smartphone without losing data? It keeps restarting.
Reader Aaron used the Contact link to ask: “How can I reset my smartphone without losing data? It keeps restarting.” You’ll have to temporarily move the data to another device (eg your PC; or a cloud-based file storage service like Drive, OneDrive, DropBox; etc.) How you do this depends on where the data is, on…
A reader asks: My new keyboard keeps on typing the same letter. How can I fix it?
Q: My new keyboard keeps on typing the same letter. I tried it on another PC, but there, it worked fine. I also tried formatting my PC, but it’s still an issue. How can I fix this? (via Quora) A: I assume you mean it’s doing something like thisssssssssssssss? I think we can fix that! …
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A reader asks: How do I remove a bad hard disk sector?
Q: How do I remove a hard disk bad sector? (via Quora) A: Try chkdsk (Windows) or fsck (Linux); both can detect and repair some kinds of damage to a hard drive. But have a care: Although some software can restore some bad sectors to service, it may be best not to! Tools like fsck…
A reader asks: Does Windows have a feature that can count my daily keystrokes?
Q: Does Windows have a feature that can count my daily keystrokes? (via Quora) A: Not built-in, but there are many, many add-on apps that can. Here are just a few example apps for counting user-input activity — number of keystrokes and mouse clicks, distance of mouse travel, etc.: KeyCounter: KeyCounter – Keycounter (different…
A reader asks: How do I fix an “Application Starter/Parameter is Incorrect” error?
Writing from the Netherlands, reader Maarten Woerlee asks (via the CONTACT link): Q: In Windows, sometimes there’s a pop-up window named “Application Starter” with the message “The parameter is incorrect.” What’s going on, and how do I fix this? A: We can figure this out by looking at the two clues in your question: (1)…