A reader asks: “How bad is the traffic in Boston, MA?”

As with any city, there are places and times when traffic is bad; and places and times when it’s not. Without more specificity to your question, it’s really not answerable.

But here’s how you can find out: Open Google Maps for Boston, and enable the traffic layer; Google Maps will then show you live traffic conditions: Smooth-running traffic will show green; slow traffic will be orange or red.

Here’s a screen shot of Boston’s current traffic Friday 11AM 2019-01-04: As you can see, the major roads are moving fine, while some city streets are slow. On the actual map (not a screen shot) you can zoom way in to see live, real-time conditions on any given block or stretch of road.

Google’s live traffic can show you smooth traffic (green) and snarls (red).

If you check at different times (say, rush hour, or a weekend evening, etc.) and you’ll see where the trouble spots are — and aren’t.

Permalink: https://langa.com/?p=1568

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