“What percentage of people like the iPhone brand?”

(Answer requested via Quora)

If you go by sales, the answer is about 10%, which is Apple’s current smartphone marketshare:

Apple’s 10% is third place behind Samsung (23%) and Huawei (18%),
and about equal with Xiaomi.
(Global smartphone market share 2019 | Statista)

(Apple fans tend not to believe stats like this, so here’s a pile of alternate sources: “smartphone market share” – (Google Search)

Apple’s aggressive marketing makes most people think that Apple sales are far larger/better than they are. Apple is extremely rich, but that’s because they charge high prices with enormous profit margins; not because they dominate sales.

It’s much the same desktop PCs. Apple marketing makes it seem like Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS are somehow close rivals. They’re not.

(Desktop OS market share as of September 2019,
according to NetMarketShare /Wikipedia)

Bottom line: Apple is a phenomenally skillful marketing company (their ads are great!), but its products aren’t nearly as popular as Apple wants you to think.

Permalink: https://langa.com/?p=3695


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