(Answer requested by Rosario Mezzatesta)
If the cables are designed properly, yes.
However, if either cable’s internal conductors are too thin, energy will be lost as resistive heat along the way; this can make the charging time longer. And: The longer the wire, the greater the thin-wire-resistance effect.
Very long power cables need substantially thicker conductors to counter the inevitable losses and to deliver charge at the same rate as short cables.
But, in general, if you use good-quality cables in the shortest length that’s reasonable for your circumstances (I mean, a 10 meter charging cable is pretty extreme!), there’ll be negligible effect on charging time.
(OK, if you want to get really persnickety, each additional foot or so — about 0.3 meter — of length adds about a nanosecond of energy transit time through the wire. So there’s also that. 🙂 )
Permalink: https://langa.com/?p=3926
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Wow, fantastic article. Very interesting!
A warm greeting from porte rapide
Yes, but I prefer the cables shorter ones.
Bye from tunnel mobili.
If the outlet is dead, the cables broken, or the charging port not functioning, then the answer is “yes”. The shorter and longer cables will charge the exact same rate.