A reader asks: Who is the “genius” who invented Windows Registry?

Q. Who is the “genius” who invented Windows registry? (via Quora)

A. It was a group, not a single person. But from your snark, I assume you’re unhappy with the Windows Registry — you’re having some problem with it, yes?

Here’s the thing: The Registry is just a special-purpose hierarchical database.

Hierarchical databases have existed for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. No one knows who invented the first one, on clay or papyrus or something. The first computer-driven hierarchical database structure was developed by IBM in the 1960s.

But all along, databases, per se, are rarely the source of any trouble. It’s the information they contain that can be good or bad, or accurate/inaccurate.

When the Windows Registry seem to screw up, it’s usually because it contains bad data.

Here’s how bad data often gets into the Windows Registry:

1. PC starts out with a clean, minimal Registry. Everything works.

2. User loads some good-quality software; all is still well.

3. Over time, user then installs and uninstalls a metric crapload of freeware/shareware games, utilities, toolbars and other low-quality, junk software and drivers written by amateurs or relatively unskilled programmers; or by professional programmers whose focus is elsewhere (e.g. hardware pros writing software drivers); or by miscreants seeking to distribute active malware.

4. Said software screws up the Registry with malformed or otherwise incorrect entries and bogus data.

5. When user uninstalls (or tries to uninstall) said apps, lots of digital junk and erroneous data gets left behind or even added to the Registry due to missing/incorrect/incomplete/malicious clean-up routines.

6. User rarely if ever performs routine maintenance on his PC; including use of simple, well-regarded tools such as CCleaner.

7. Over time, the Registry accrues significant amounts of bogus data and other unrepaired damage, and may seem to be the cause of problems such as lost/incorrect file associations, incorrect icons, broken/blocked install/uninstall routines, etc.

8. User fails to recognize his own complicity in packing the Registry with crap data, and decides to blame Microsoft, asking: “Who is the ‘genius’ who invented Windows registry?” 🙂

So here’s the thing:

The Registry is just a database. It will store whatever you (and your software) feed it.

If you take minimal care of your PC — feed it high-quality, professionally-written software; and perform some simple maintenance from time to time — you likely can go literally years without any serious Registry problems.

Permalink: https://wp.me/paaiox-5q

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1 Reply to “A reader asks: Who is the “genius” who invented Windows Registry?”

  1. Hi fred,

    My problem isn’t with registry per se, but rather MS’s confused muddling (mangling?) of OS vs apps & user data. Please tell me, sir, why MS chooses to store my Internet Explorer bookmark order (i.e., my _arranged_ bookmark order – in other words, the order I prefer & choose to arrange & display my IE bookmarks… versus, say, alphabetical order) in their $%#%&#$ registry???

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