A reader asks: Do trees change colors at the same time every Fall?

Q. Do trees change colors at the same time every Fall or do they change according to weather? (via Quora)

A: Nope. It’s highly variable.

Trees are living things, so a tough summer with too little or too much rain, or too high or too low temperatures, or events like the arrival of invasive insects, will stress the tress and produce different foliage in the Fall.

In the Fall, peak colors require a succession of warm days and cold nights. Short-term weather patterns and long-term climate change can mess that up.

Likewise, wind storms or hurricanes can strip leaves from the trees earlier than normal, truncating or preventing the color change.

Usually, most long-range foliage forecasts are only accurate to within a couple of weeks. And, with rapid climate change upon us, forecasts will be less precise than ever.

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