“Can I still make use of a hard disk drive that is at 0% health?”


You can also start your day with 0% charge in your phone; or leave on driving vacation with 0% fuel in the tank; or start a scuba dive with gauges showing 0% air…. There are many things you can do.

It might even work for a while. A “0%” phone usually has at least a couple minutes charge left; an “empty” gas tank usually has at least a little fuel sloshing around in the bottom; a 0% air tank might have a few breaths left; a drive with 0% health might run fine, for a while.

But why on earth would you knowingly choose any of those scenarios? You’d know you’re setting yourself up for trouble!

A 0% drive health rating from a good drive-monitoring app (examples) means the drive has reached the end of its reliable service life. Even if it still appears to be working OK, it either has already suffered damage or excessive wear; or (statistically speaking) is about to.

The drive is now on borrowed time, and the clock is constantly ticking.

Replace the drive ASAP.

(By Evan-AmosOwn work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link)

Permalink: https://langa.com/?p=3241


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