Taupo (the town and eponymous lake) was our next stop (see previous New Zealand posts); a 2-night stay that would allow the group to scatter for planned or ad hoc activities.
But before I get to that, let me jump ahead a bit with this silliness:
On the afternoon when we arrived at Lake Taupo — and after a very nervous lunch — I did my first bungee jump, 47 meters (152 feet) from a clifftop above the Waikato River.
I admit it’s silly, but it also was exhilarating and fun… and undignified. 🙂
The jump operator’s camera took this shot:

A fellow tour member took this video. I had never heard myself scream before. Brief video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZuMXBwUTEBsi4bV19
The jump operator took this multi-cam video which documented the entire jump — except for the screaming part. Jump operator video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/6ERDR7RGVwX5pYzN6
Man, it was a rush.
I probably never need to do it again, but I’m glad to have had the experience once.
OK, back to more important stuff tomorrow.
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Way to go, Fred!