‘Needle Ice’ on Waitts Mount

Needle ice forms when the temperature of wet earth is above freezing, but the air is dry and below freezing. The liquid water in the soil wicks to the surface via capillary action through small pores and cracks, where it freezes on contact with the cold air; it expands and forms a small ice cap atop the pore…

Suuuure, the climate’s fine. No problems at all…

As if Boston’s warm-ish, nearly snowless winter wasn’t enough of a clue that something weird is going on, a local resident spotted a porpoise in Dorchester Bay last week — a normal event in Spring, not February. A brief Boston Globe article on the porpoise is here, and includes a phone video of something you…

A reader asks: “Why is the weather SO unpredictable in Boston, MA?”

Regional forecasts are actually pretty accurate. (See: How Reliable Are Weather Forecasts?) But very local, small scale forecasts have additional variables. For example, Boston is a waterfront city and so is subject to various effects that apply only to the immediate coast. A distance of a few miles/KM can make a huge difference in temperature,…

Around Boston: Waitts in early Winter

Autumn felt awfully brief this year; encroached upon by a lingering summer on the front end, and now by an abrupt winter on the back end. Permalink: https://wp.me/paaiox-hF Want free notification of new content like this? Click here! Have a comment? Want to ask Fred a new question? Click here!

Found! The missing “Part 5” to the tornado chase videos

Several days ago, I posted four videos of a tornado chase I went on a few years back. (For info and links, see A reader asks for reposts of my tornado chase videos.) That prompted another reader — Peter Wharton, who was in fact the driver of our van during the chase — to ask…

A reader asks for reposts of my tornado chase videos

Reader Drew Foster was hoping I could resurrect some videos from a tornado chase I went on in 2008, and he asked me about it via the Contact link: “Fred: Please re-upload your videos of the Quinter tornado. Part 2 is available on YT but that’s it.” Sure, Drew! In a week’s chasing from Texas…