“Is there any way to charge a phone faster?”

Sure, turn it off! Seriously, your phone will charge fastest when it’s fully powered off and connected to an active charger. If a full power-off charge isn’t possible, power down as much you can. Some things you can do: Turn the screen brightness down to the lowest level you can use; use Dark Theme/Night Mode…

May 6 Newsletter now available

This week’s new AskWoody Plus newsletter is posted now, and you can read it for free, here. In this issue: WOODY’S WINDOWS WATCH: Beware the crapware in Win10 1903 LANGALIST: When a Win7 “no-reformat reinstall” is not the way to go! PATCH WATCH: A Japanese era begins; an older Windows era struggles WINDOWS 10: Pairing your phone with Windows 10 for better…

“How do I write a harmless computer virus…”

The full question, submitted anonymously, was: “How do I write a harmless computer virus that, when run, restarts the computer and keeps opening a terminal instead of windows until the user say yes or some specific command then everything goes normal again?” That’s not a virus — it’s just a script or small program —…

“What is the Windows 10 paging file and why is it a good idea to regularly delete it?”

For most people, it’s NOT a good idea to delete the pagefile. A pagefile (or swapfile) is a temporary scratchpad area on the hard drive that an operating system (e.g. Windows) uses to store code and data when the operating system is juggling more stuff than will fit into RAM. A pagefile lets Windows act as…

“Did you like Windows 95 better or Windows 10?”

What a strange question! If you mean today, then Win10, hands down. Win95 was built for a different era, with different — simpler and much, much slower — standards. For example, PCs in 1995 typically came with 4-8 MB (not GB!) of RAM, a single-core 66MHz (not GHz) CPU, dial-up Internet connections, CD-ROM programming, and…

“How do I stop the CBS All Access app from lagging so much when I Chromecast it to my TV?”

Good luck. The CBS app is horrible! My wife has an iPhone with the Apple version of the CBS app; I’ve used the Android version of the app on two different, current Samsung phones; and have also used the CBS app built into my smart TV. On all platforms, the app’s native resolution is meh,…

Weekly Newsletter Archives available

The AskWoody Plus newsletter is normally published four times a month. On months with five weeks (like this month!), we skip the extra issue and use that time to delve into longer projects, which you’ll read about in future issues. But meanwhile, all previous issues are archived and available here. What’s this about? Woody Leonhard has launched a…

“I know to de-fragment my HDD and not to de-fragment my SSD. Do I de-fragment my hybrid drive?”

It’s a quandary. Solid-state/hybrid drives (SSHDs) use a modest amount of high-speed memory as a kind of front end to a large, conventional, spinning-platter drive; software makes the two act as one. The idea is to yield a drive that’s faster than a conventional drive, but less expensive than an all-solid-state drive. But, as you…

“If you could only have a smartphone or a laptop for the next 5 years, which would you choose? Why?”

I’m glad I don’t have to choose! But if I did: I’d choose a high-end, state-of-the-art smartphone. Why? Because you can turn a high-end smartphone into a pretty capable notebook-equivalent by adding a USB- and Bluetooth-connected monitor, keyboard, and mouse. But while a smartphone can serve as a portable PC, the reverse isn’t true: For…