A reader asks: Why won’t my laptop charge when it’s running? It only charges when it’s off.

Q*: “How do I fix my laptop? When it is turned on and I plug it in, it will not charge, and will only charge when it is plugged in while turned off. What’s going on?” A: The most common cause for this is an aging battery that draws too much power when recharging; the…

A reader asks: Why haven’t Chicago, New York, and Boston produced tech hubs like Silicon Valley?

Q. Why haven’t Chicago, New York, and Boston produced tech hubs like Silicon Valley? (via Quora) A: Ha! Boston has been and still is a major tech hub. In fact, Boston was the US’s first, and thus is also its oldest high-tech hub, starting all the way back with the freaking industrial revolution (industrial mills,…

A reader asks: How do I recover data from an undetectable external hard drive?

Q: “How do I recover data from an undetectable Seagate external hard drive? Is it possible through some software, or is it advisable to get it done through professionals?” (via Quora) A: It depends on what you mean by “undetectable.” For example, there’s physical/electrical undetectability; and undetectability due to logical or software issues. You’ll need…

A reader asks: What is the difference between laptop and notebook PCs, if any?

Q: What is the difference between laptop and notebook PCs, if any? (via Quora) A: There is a difference, although in casual use the terms are more or less interchangeable now. Strictly speaking, laptops are larger portables with full-sized keyboards or nearly so. Screens generally are larger, too; 17″/43cm is a typical size, with some…

A reader asks: Why does my drive label say 1TB, but Windows reports only 930-960GB?

Q: Why do I see 1TB of storage on my hard drive label but only 930-960GB when it’s plugged to my computer? (via Quora) A: The drive is sold by raw capacity; but must first be partitioned and formatted before use, and that process consumes some space. An analogy: Think of an empty filing cabinet…

A reader asks: Why, when I shut my phone off to save battery, and then turn it on again, the battery drains faster?

Q: Why is it that when I shut my phone all the way off to save battery and then turn it on again, the battery drains way faster? (via Quora) A: At restart, all your regularly-used phone apps load, start, and try to go online at the same time — email, messaging, Facebook, Twitter, weather…

A reader asks: How much RAM do I need for my laptop?

Q: How much RAM do I need for my laptop? I mostly use it for word documents, Internet browsing with multiple tabs, and, occasionally, light video editing. I currently have 4GB but I’m considering going up to 8GB. (via Quora) A: Here’s an easy way to see if you have enough RAM in any PC,…

A reader asks: What is the best way to get around Boston?

Q: What is the best way to get around Boston? (via Quora) A: Here’s my list, in ascending order, best to worst; I adjust as needed to account for weather issues, distance being travelled, schedule pressures, whether or not I need to carry bulky items, etc.: Walk Bike T (subway and streetcars) Lyft/Uber T (Bus)…

A reader asks: Why are so many people from Boston so quick-witted and quippy?

Q: Why are so many people from Boston so quick-witted and quippy? A: Overlooking that you forgot to add “handsome, intelligent, and saintly,” I’ll try to answer your question: I think it’s the local emphasis on education. Boston’s culture is in part the result of over 400 years of continual investment in education, as explained…