A reader asks: “Why do files on an external hard drive run slower than files on my internal hard drive (not SSD)?” They use two very different means of connection, and the speeds aren’t even close. Internal drives usually connect directly to the mainboard via purpose-built high-speed interfaces meant specifically for moving hard drive data….
A reader asks: Why didn’t resetting my phone free up memory?
A reader asks: “Why is my Android phone crying for memory just after a factory reset?” That’s not much to go on, but here are some ideas: 1. Resetting a phone will remove temporary files and random junk files that may have accumulated, but doesn’t otherwise free space or shrink your files. Unless you’ve done…
Interesting site: FreeLiveTranscript
FreeLiveTranscript.com is an open-sourced, browser-based, speech-to-text application that creates “live transcripts of speech on the web, that can be displayed (and edited) in real-time on a big screen, or watched on anybody’s personal device.” It’s not really meant for personal speech-to-text/dictation — you can use it for that, but there are already plenty of apps…
Best explanation of temperature scales I’ve seen!
via Redditor u/nitarek Permalink: https://wp.me/paaiox-ge Want free notification of new content like this? Click here! Want to ask Fred a question? Click here! Reply to this item via the Comment box below.
Found! The missing “Part 5” to the tornado chase videos
Several days ago, I posted four videos of a tornado chase I went on a few years back. (For info and links, see A reader asks for reposts of my tornado chase videos.) That prompted another reader — Peter Wharton, who was in fact the driver of our van during the chase — to ask…
A reader asks: Is there good hiking around Boston accessible by public transit?
Reader Patti McIntyre asks: “What are some good hiking spots around Boston that I can access by public transportation?” Some of my favorites: Middlesex Fells Reservation, 2,200 acres (890 ha) of woods, hills, and lakes north of the city. Many access points; depending on where you want to go, you can use the T Orange…
Happy Birthday, Windows!
Windows 1.0 was released 33 years ago, in November 1985. It wasn’t much: Just a standard DOS setup (on a single 5.25″ floppy disk) wrapped in a simple point-and-click interface and displayed in CGA 640×200px resolution or Hercules monochrome green or amber. This combination of OS and “shell” was primitive, but it could run and display…
A reader asks: Why is the Registry ignoring my preferred order for bookmark/favorites?
Reader John used the Contact link to ask: “Hi Fred! My problem isn’t with Registry per se, but rather MS’s confused muddling (mangling?) of OS vs apps & user data. Please tell me why MS chooses to store my Internet Explorer bookmark order (i.e., my arranged bookmark order – in other words, the order I…
A reader asks for reposts of my tornado chase videos
Reader Drew Foster was hoping I could resurrect some videos from a tornado chase I went on in 2008, and he asked me about it via the Contact link: “Fred: Please re-upload your videos of the Quinter tornado. Part 2 is available on YT but that’s it.” Sure, Drew! In a week’s chasing from Texas…
A reader asks: If I safely store away a 2TB HDD and never plug it in again, how long will all my data last?
A reader asks: “If I safely store away a 2TB HDD and never plug it in again, how long will all my data be retained?” Retained? Or “retained in useful form?” The magnetic encoding will be detectable for a very long time — centuries, even — provided that the drive is physically undamaged and undisturbed….