Q. What are the advantages of using a word processor over using a typewriter? (Via Quora) A. The answer varies somewhat, depending on exactly what you mean by “word processor.” The most common meaning is a piece of software that can capture your keystrokes on a personal computer of some type, including smartphones, tablets, and…
A reader asks: Who is the “genius” who invented Windows Registry?
Q. Who is the “genius” who invented Windows registry? (via Quora) A. It was a group, not a single person. But from your snark, I assume you’re unhappy with the Windows Registry — you’re having some problem with it, yes? Here’s the thing: The Registry is just a special-purpose hierarchical database. Hierarchical databases have existed…
A reader asks: What was the last generation that learned to type on a typewriter?
Q: “What was the last generation that learned to type on a typewriter instead of a computer keyboard?” (via Quora) A: In the developed world, the “boomer” generation — offspring of WW2-era parents — are almost surely the last. I’m part of the tail end of the Boomer generation. In my own career, I started…
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Thanks for your interest! For now, my content appears in two principal places: Here (on Langa.Com) and over at AskWoody.com. To follow the AskWoody.Com content: Woody Leonhard has launched a new newsletter that’s very much cast in the mold of the classic Windows Secrets newsletter. Many of the original Windows Secrets gang have signed on,…
A reader asks: What is the funniest filename you have ever seen?
Q: What is the funniest filename you have ever seen? (via Quora) A: Funniest one I recall was actually a folder name. Back in the day, serious PC users could create small scripts to automate repetitive tasks. These scripts were actually a series of manual commands that the operating system would execute, same as if you’d…
A reader asks: Fred, what’s your current recommendation for backups?
Reader Eric Desman writes: Fred, You have always had a practical approach to layered backups. In 2018, what is your recommendation for backups? I currently backup to a local external hard drive and use Backblaze for off-site backups. I found an old version of Zipit.bat that made me think of this. :-o. — Eric Your…
A reader asks: What would happen, if all humans gained the ability to fly?
A reader asks, via Quora: Q. “What would happen, if all humans suddenly gained the ability to fly?” A. For one thing, car windshields would be much harder to keep clean. Permalink: https://wp.me/paaiox-4o Ask me anything! Use the Contact link on this page.
Russia says space station leak may be sabotage
Holy moley! “A Russian MP who is a former cosmonaut suggested that a psychologically disturbed astronaut could have done it to force an early return home. “We’re all human, and anyone might want to go home, but this method is really low,” Maxim Surayev of President Vladimir Putin’s ruling party, told RIA Novosti state news…
Nice day for a bike ride
Warm and breezy, but very light traffic (for urban riding, anyway) due to the Labor Day holiday. A pleasant ride along the Mystic, Alewife, and Malden Rivers; through Malden, Medford, Arlington, Cambridge, Somerville, and Everett. Also liking my new front tire, which I replaced after a flat last week; the old, knobby tread was almost…
A reader asks: “What e-bike do you have?”
Reader John Negley asks: “Fred, What e-bike do you have? “I know of your love of bike riding, I’ve seen your videos. I am also like you, approaching geezer age. So I’m thinking of getting a bike too. Just curious, what type of bike to you have? I plan on riding on paved roads &…