A reader asks: How many keyboard keys are being pressed at the same time, in the world?

Q: How many keyboard keys are pressed at the same second in the world?  (via Quora)

A: A very rough guess: humans currently generate 416 million keystrokes per second.

Here’s the (admittedly shaky) logic — feel free to adjust up or down as you wish:

Assuming you mean physical keyboards — the kind used on a PC or laptop — several research groups (example) say the world passed the 2-billion PC mark sometime in 2015. We’re already well north of that number by now; call it 2.5 billion physical keyboards in the world.

If we assume an average 8-hour work/active-use time per day then, of the 2.5 billion PCs in the world, about a third — 833,000,000 — are available for input at any one moment.

If half (?) of those are being used for actual input, then 416,000,000 keyboards are being typed on at any given time.

Adjust the numbers as you wish, but that’s a very rough guess: 416 million keystrokes per second.

Of course, if you also include devices that use virtual keyboards — smartphones, tablets, etc — the number goes way, way up from there!

Permalink: https://wp.me/paaiox-6T

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