German researchers find ‘flaw’ in Password Checker

Reader Doug* sent in this report after reading, “New, free Chrome extension checks for password hacks in real time.” “Fred …found this in a forum…..a security flaw in the Password Checker extension…from Google…unfortunately it is in German….but perhaps you can further research the security flaw: “ Thanks, Doug! Yes, a German researcher looked at the datastream that…

Reader response on: Chrome’s new Password Checker

Wow! Yesterday’s item, “New, free Chrome extension checks for password hacks in real time” generated a ton of replies… and questions! For example, over on the AskWoody lounge, a number of readers expressed concerns about explicitly asking a Google product to examine your passwords. As I explained there, I completely understand the reluctance to invite…

New, free Chrome extension checks for password hacks in real time

Google’s new Password Checkup extension for desktop Chrome automatically checks your passwords, as you use them, against a Google-developed database of some four billion known hacked/stolen logon credentials. (Fig. 1) Note that this is not the same as sites like have i been pwned , which check to see if your email address (not passwords) appears…