Readers reply to “cheapest way to network” post

In “What’s the cheapest way to network an external hard drive?” I suggested a fully-functional, zero-cost option: Connect the drive to any PC that’s already on the network, and use the OS’s built-in network sharing function (e.g. Win10’s Give access to/Advanced Sharing/ option) to let others access the drive. Several readers had good follow-on comments…

From the inbox: An odd way for a drive to die

After reading “Should you trust a hard drive after a major error?” (2019-02-18 AskWoody Plus), reader Daniel Loyd wrote with a real-life anecdote of a rather usual drive problem he encountered: “Fred, I had a hard drive that worked great, check disk and several 3rd party tools showed the drive was in great shape no…

German researchers find ‘flaw’ in Password Checker

Reader Doug* sent in this report after reading, “New, free Chrome extension checks for password hacks in real time.” “Fred …found this in a forum…..a security flaw in the Password Checker extension…from Google…unfortunately it is in German….but perhaps you can further research the security flaw: “ Thanks, Doug! Yes, a German researcher looked at the datastream that…

From the InBox…

A few days ago, in “Taking my own advice,” I told you how I used Task Manager to objectively determine that I’ve maxed out my current hardware. It’s time for a new PC. Several readers had interesting reactions, suggestions, and questions. For example, App103 wrote: Before you run out and buy a new computer, perhaps…