‘Needle Ice’ on Waitts Mount

Needle ice forms when the temperature of wet earth is above freezing, but the air is dry and below freezing. The liquid water in the soil wicks to the surface via capillary action through small pores and cracks, where it freezes on contact with the cold air; it expands and forms a small ice cap atop the pore…

“Can a virus disguise a 32-bit operating system for a 64-bit operating system?”

(Answer requested by Kacey Mae) Can it? I suppose. But it would be extremely difficult to pull off at all; and nearly impossible to pull off in a way that would fool anyone who was paying attention. The usual way to run a full 32-bit OS inside a full, operating 64-bit OS is to use…

Happy 34th Birthday, Windows!

Windows 1.0 was released 34 years ago, in November 1985. It wasn’t much: Just a standard DOS setup (on a single 5.25″, 1.2MB floppy disk) wrapped in a simple point-and-click interface and displayed in CGA 640×200px resolution or Hercules monochrome green or amber. This combination of OS and “shell” was primitive, but it could run…

“Do you consider that you can be more productive with two screens setup, and why?”

(Answer requested by José Marulanda) The magic isn’t in having two screens, per se, but being able to see and usefully access two different things on screen at the same time. That can be accomplished with two screens; or — if it’s large enough — one screen with the two items displayed side by side….

“What was the most weird computer you have ever used?”

(Answer requested by Chris Fisher) Hmmm. Several come to mind. There were a series of early Soviet-era PC clones I saw in Russia and Hungary in the early 90’s, shortly before the USSR dissolved. Many of the computers were in the “close but no cigar” category, superficially emulating Western PCs (IBMs, Apples, Commodores, Ataris…), but…

“How many passwords do you keep for smartphones & laptops?”

(Answer requested by Byron Inductivo) I currently have over 700 passwords in use, but I only have to remember one. I use a password manager on all my devices: I only have to remember the password-manager’s own master password. Once I enter that, the software takes over. When I encounter a website or app login…

“Why can’t I use strange liquids (like vodka) in my liquid cooler to cool my PC?”

(Answer requested by Victor Zamagni) You can use vodka. You can use almost any liquid you want — hamster pee, chicken soup, gasoline, melted ice cream, ketchup, unicorn tears, pickle juice, whatever — as long as you accept the attendant extra risks, costs, and engineering involved. Most PC cooling systems use plain air or distilled/stabilized…

“How should I check the authenticity of a password?”

(Answer requested by Aditya Verma) If you really mean “authenticity,” that’s a programmatic question, and I can’t help you: You’ll need to hire someone (or learn yourself) to compare whatever password you’re trying to authenticate to whatever database or algorithm or other authentication-source you specify. But if you mean you want to check how good,…